The Things That Go Down In High School


Welcome to my Blog!

High School. Commonly referred to as – the largest popularity contest in the world.

Originally from -

Originally from –

This long-winded journey contributes to a large fraction of everyone’s lives – in fact; I’m still struggling to find my way through it.

Hi, I’m Oninotna – just another one in the crowd, another “average joe” simply trying to survive in high school.

High School to me is definitely a handful – and I know tons of people who can relate. I find it best to describe it as a “diverse mesh of people, personalities and cultures” only because I go to an international high school that varies in nationalities, people and etc.

Every day that I go to school, it never seizes to excite me because I know for sure I’m going to encounter something new – whether it’s going to be meeting a new person, learning new things, or even doing new things – I’m always going to discover something fascinating, that I haven’t experienced before.

And that is why I decided to start my very own blog.

I have always had a strong fervor for writing, so I thought it would be remarkable if I could publish my high school stories to share with you on this blog. Trust me; there are a lot of them. I could even give my own personal advice to you hoping that it’ll help you – and besides, I’m an actual high-schooler (It’s going to be certainly refreshing from my perspective.

I look forward to writing more and I hope that you’ll love my blog and the interesting experiences about the things that go down in High School. I guarantee, this blog will keep you on your feet. 😉